Removing Toxic Gases, GT SCIEN Offers The New Filter Evolution

Laboratories are very vulnerable to dangerous potential sources and risks, especially from the air. These hazardous air risks can result in disruption to the safety and health of laboratory personnel / workers. Therefore, usually each laboratory will always be equipped with a chemical filter that is installed and restored in various places and equipment inside the laboratory.

Having an air filter inside the laboratory is very important, therefore intensive control and management is needed so that the filter is always in good and clean condition, such as cleaning a dirty filter or replacing a filter that is no longer functioning. Here are some reasons why filter management is necessary in the laboratory:

  • If the filter is damaged and is no longer suitable for use, the risk to the safety of the workers will be even more dangerous, because it is no longer functioning, the risk of exposure to toxic gases is also greater.
  • By managing and replacing filters on a regular basis, the laboratory is responsible for ensuring the safety of its workers, so the work processes in the laboratory can run safely and smoothly.
  • The management of laboratory air quality makes the work environment clean and healthy so that it can provide maximum output.
  • Reduce operational cost.

GT SCIEN offers the new chemical filter evolution with high-efficiency for removing toxic gases and foul odors generated in the laboratory called TOGA Filter. GT SCIEN is a company that provides integrated laboratory EHS solutions with its toxic gas purification technology and IoT management platform to transform laboratories into environmentally-friendly, safe and healthy work environments for researchers.

TOGA filters were developed by GT SCIEN with the goal of purifying toxic gases from the laboratory environment, no matter the chemical, no matter the application. The filters utilize Triple Action Technology, which innovates on activated carbon filtration by combining physical adsorption with chemical and neutralization reactions to create extremely efficient, longer-lasting filters. TOGA filters come in types A, B, and C, as well as the Standard filter type, which is a combination of all 3 filter types and is used for general laboratory applications. Customized filters are also available on request to provide solutions specially tailored to your particular application and laboratory environment.

What makes the TOGA filter different from other filters? Filters such as carbon or zeolite are the most commonly used and found in laboratories, but carbon or zeolite filters are limited to VOC's removal and are unable to effectively purify acidic or basic gases. As carbon and zeolite filters rely exclusively on physical adsorption, filters must always be replaced every 3-6 months, so it will waste the cost a lot.

But, with TOGA filters it will boast extremely high purification rates for VOC's, acids, bases and pretty much any chemical used in the laboratory that produces a gas. Due to the advanced and innovative technology, the filter's life can last longer than typical carbon or zeolite filters. TOGA filters are designed to last 1 year, keeping your maintenance costs low. Usually, a built-in filter alarm will make a sound when the filter has expired and is ready to be changed.

If you are interested in GT SCIEN’s TOGA Filter technology, please visit We, Hartech is a distributor agent in Indonesia for GT SCIEN and many other reputable and trustworthy brands. We, Hartech, provide you with life science, laboratory equipment and consumables products with modern and advanced technology and support your safety and healthier laboratory life’s goals. Please visit and contact or request a quotation to us for more information.

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