Incubator Shaker : Testing and Conducting Experiments On Liquids

The incubator shaker is a laboratory research tool for testing and conducting experiments on liquids. The incubator shaker is actually two separate tools that have different functions. The incubator is shaped like a closed box or room with a temperature and humidity level that has been adjusted according to certain conditions. The incubator has the function to incubate microorganisms such as bacteria under certain conditions, so that these microorganisms can incubate properly.

Meanwhile, the shaker is a tool that can mix and equalize the substances contained in the liquid being tested, so that the particles in the liquid can be evenly mixed and have the same size volume. As a conclusion, the incubator shaker is a combination of the incubator and shaker that can combine two different functions into one unit, and that is being able to homogenize liquids while incubating microorganisms at the same time when the shaker is moving inside the incubator.

By using the incubator shaker, you don't need to be afraid of the risk of the liquid being contaminated while the shaker is moving. Because, unlike shakers general, the incubator shaker has the advantage of a tool that is equipped with a protective cover, considering the shape of the incubator which is like a closed space, so that it is guaranteed to reduce the risk of contamination to the sample.

The functions of two different tools that can be combined simultaneously at the same time make this tool much sought after and used by laboratory researchers. However, even so, you need to pay attention to the things below that you should do and don't do when using the incubator shaker, so that the process of using it doesn't hamper and thwart your experiment.

Like the first, when using it, avoid opening the protective cover when the incubator shaker is working. If you open the protective cover, it will stop the process on the machine because the engine will automatically shut down immediately. Second, use a tool such as a clamp so that the container like a beaker for holding the liquid sample will not fall and spill when the incubator shaker is vibrating.

Third, make sure to always clean your incubator shaker both before and after using it, this is expected to make the tool's life last longer. Finally, make sure to always read the instructions for how to use the tool properly even though you actually understand very well how the incubator shaker works.

Interested? Check Benchmark Scientific's Incubator Shakers Products. Benchmark Scientific's Incubator Shakers provide digitally regulated temperature precisely controlled, circular (orbital) mixing, and optimizing the culture from a wide variety of cell types, along with a technology system that is updated according to the needs of the times.

Benchmark Scientific provides several types of incubator shakers that you can choose according to your wishes and needs with the superior functions and advantages of each tool. Here are the types that you can choose among this tool:

- Incu-Shaker Mini with Non-Slip Rubber Mat H1001-M

- Incu-Shaker 10L with Non-Slip Rubber Mat H2010

- Incu-Shaker 10LR (Refrigerated) H2012

- Incu-Shaker CO2 Mini with Non-Slip Rubber Mat Platform H3501

- Incu-Mixer MP Heated Microplate Vortexer Series H6000-Group

- Multitherm Shaker H5000-Group 

For further information, please contact Hartech Indonesia as a trustworthy distributor agent for Benchmark Scientific products.

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