How to order products at Hartech Indonesia’s website?
To order goods and products on our website, you need to register yourself first by registering your e-mail address on the options provided. This self-registration must be done to facilitate your every transaction that will be carried out with Hartech Indonesia.
If you have found the item you are looking for, the next step is to go to the "My Cart" page to see what items you will order, along with the final nominal which will include courier and tax counts.
The same page will display the payment method options available on our website. If you have filled in the required data and have made a payment, you can monitor your order on the Activity > Recent Transaction page to see the status of the item.
Have a nice journey on our website!
Why is an NPWP required as a registration requirement? Is it safe?
We can guarantee all your data is 100% secure. Every transaction with Hartech Indonesia, both offline and online, always requires an NPWP number as part of our compliance with taxpayer laws in Indonesia.
Your NPWP number will only be used by Hartech Indonesia as a form of tax reporting on every purchase of goods that occurs with Hartech Indonesia. Thus we make it an administrative requirement for every first registration at Hartech Indonesia.
The most important thing, is nothing to worry about!
Why I can’t see the price of some products?
That's because you haven't registered or logged in yourself on our website. The advantage of registering yourself on our website is that you will immediately become part of the priority member of Hartech Indonesia, so all new prices will be displayed if you have registered or logged in.
If there are still items for which the price is not listed, that means you need to make a Request Quotation for the item which will be followed up again by our team to provide a more detailed explanation of the item.
What is Request Quotation?
Request for Quotation is your request for goods in Hartech Indonesia to get the best offer according to the specifications you need. The request for a quote consists of details of the product you want.
How long will my order take?
Delivery of goods will depend on the expedition and verification of the purchase you made. We will first verify the data you fill in to check the validity of all data. The next step is that we will process your order and process it to the expedition.
If the item you choose is available or ready to order, it will be listed on the “My Cart” page regarding the estimate when your item will arrive at the location you have listed.
How do you contact Hartech Indonesia's customer service?
Our presence is as close as your finger and the screen you touch. You can find our contact identity on the “Contact Us” page, where the official Hartech Indonesia e-mail addresses will be displayed which you can contact.
Also you can find us on social media networks which will be attached at the very bottom of your page when exploring the Hartech Indonesia website.
How is the packaging and delivery of goods from Hartech Indonesia?
We have done a lot of packaging and shipping of goods since 1979 when Hartech Indonesia was founded, and that is our provision in providing the best shopping experience for you.
We will ensure that every item we send is always packed neatly and is resistant to weather and shocks during the trip. For shipments we use our reliable couriers, and the expedition list are available on the page before checkout order.
How do I complain about goods?
Every product in our catalog always goes through a quality check process first to make sure its conditions meet the criteria. We can ensure that every item sent is always in its best condition.
If you feel unsatisfied with the delivered item, you can contact our e-mail, our telephone number, or our social network so that we can immediately resolve the inconvenience you are experiencing.
How to do service with Hartech Indonesia?
The service we provide is After Sales Service, where when the goods you have bought from Hartech Indonesia need to take actions such as maintenance or calibration. You can find all the details on our website.
To do the After Sales Service, you can contact us via e-mail or our social media networks. Our team will follow up on your needs and provide further explanation.