Primer Design Presents A PROmate Covid-19

The increasing threat of the Covid-19 virus and also the rate of spreading virus that moves so fast has made this virus very feared and wary with most people around the world. Awareness of the possibility of being infected with this virus also needs to have a high level of vigilance. In several cases found, a lot of people turned out to be positive but did not experience symptoms, such as high fever, difficulty breathing, loss of the sense of smell and feeling something when eating and drinking, and even a cold is one of the symptoms of this viral infection.

The number of cases of people infected with the corona virus has made many companies that produce medical equipment, life science, and laboratory equipment tries to help provide a solution that can help the country and the whole world to help deal with the increasingly rapid spread of Covid-19 which is getting longer and longer.

One of the most common things to deal with the spread of Covid-19 is the availability of virus detection tools that can provide fast and detailed results. In fact, there are many Covid-19 detection tools that are sometimes not accurate in providing results and there are delays in getting the results.

Answering these problems, PT. Hartech Indonesia as one of the largest distributors for life science, laboratory equipment and consumables in Indonesia are here to provide assistance solutions to many parties, like countries, hospitals and agencies related to handling the Covid-19 virus throughout Indonesia.

PROmate Covid-19 by Primer Design, Our Trustworthy Partner

One of the advantages of Hartech products is the highest quality and internationally certified, also the trustworthy and experienced external partners in their field, one of them is Primary Design. Primer Design has often contributed to handling Covid-19 cases. One of their superior products is called PROmate Covid-19 which is able to provide a special Rapid Detection for the disease of SARS-CoV-2 Viral RNA.

PROmate Covid-19 is able to provide a complete solution during the accurate and detailed sample detection process, including sample preparation, qPCR amplification, and analysis. This product is devoted to the detection of nucleic acids contained in the SARS-Cov-2 virus through the nose taken using only the dry swab method. Testing using PROmate Covid-19 is able to provide fast results in identifying or diagnosing people who have been positive for the virus, so the treatment could be immediately carried out.

What can be gained from using this product, such as:

- Simple one pipetting step protocol speeds up the process samples and limits chances of mistakes 

- Prepared in 2 separate pack types for ease of transportation and storage

- Prefilled reagents that will be able to limit contamination and simplify the process

- The results in under or max. 80 minutes (includes the processing of the swab sample, the PCR set up, and the PCR run time)

- Provides total viral inactivation and protocols that enables users with and without a class II biosafety cabinet which allows a total flexibility to use of the product, depending on the workflow setup

So, that's some information regarding PROmate Covid-19 products. If you are interested in the product, you can contact us, Hartech, as a partner of Primer Design for distributing its products in Indonesia. Please check our website at or contact our sales.

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