Nordic Laboratories, The Number One Functional Medicine Test Supplier

Nordic Laboratories is the European distributor for the most comprehensively developed laboratory evaluations. As an independent, unaffiliated distributor, Nordic assesses the testing laboratories to ensure the highest degree of quality control, and gives the tests that are always the most reliable and clinically relevant.

Nordic Laboratories is the number one functional medicine test supplier in Scandinavia. Nordic Laboratories has extended its markets globally, and maintains approximately 75% export sales with clients from the US to Hong Kong.

Medical conditions arise from within the body, where they are often concealed from a practitioner’s external view. Laboratory testing in Nordic Laboratories offers practitioners a quantitative report of the patient’s physiology.

Each test is designed to detect one or more particular functions, ranging from cardiovascular health to toxicity to gastrointestinal and metabolic functions. With this insight into the internal workings of the body, practitioners can diagnose with more certainty, intervene more effectively, and treat their patients with greater success.

As each budding field needs leaders to innovate and educate, Nordic Laboratories and DNAlysis Biotechnology have combined their efforts to revolutionize healthcare, that is one gene at a time. 

Collaborating with a shared vision for the future, Nordic Laboratories and DNAlysis Biotechnology created a DNA Life, with a global provider of genetic testing, also with innovation, and education. With these tests and their proven professional experience, practitioners can personalize treatment, dietary interventions, and training regimes.

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